Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 01 JUL 08 PARISH SUMMER CLUB

01 JUL 08 PARISH SUMMER CLUB For the fourth year running, the Parish is organising the Summer Club open to year 6 to Form 2 students. The aim of this Club is to help sudents make good use of their summer holidays and learn a wealth of useful subjects. This year's edition started Tuesday 30th June and all sessions start with Eucharistic Celebration (Mass) in the Basilica at 8.30 a.m. The Club is under the direction of Seminarians Mark Bonello and Daniel Sultana. The subjects this year include Drama, tutor Daniel Sultana. Crafts, tutors Leanne Attard, Angelique Sultana, Daniela Sultana, Joanne Vella, Joanne Rapa and Marita Micallef. Dancing, tutor Angelique Sultana. Singing, tutor Sylvana Agius. Guitar playing, tutors Sylvana Agius and Angelique Sultana. Sports tutors, Noel Rapa and Stefan Attard. Art, tutor Anthony Caruana. Cooking, Joanne Rapa, Sylvana Agius and Joanne Vella. Last but not least Life Skills by several tutors. The days are Mondays to Fridays excluding Wednesdays and the lectures are conducted at the Xaghra Youth Centre from 9.15 to 11.45 a.m.

C3 Dancing - Angelique Sultana
C4 Dancing - Angelique Sultana
C5 Dancing - Angelique Sultana
C6 Dancing - Angelique Sultana
C7 Dancing - Angelique Sultana
C8 Dancing - Angelique Sultana
C9 Dancing - Angelique Sultana
D1 Cookery - Mrs Lily Bonello
D2 Cookery - Mrs Lily Bonello
D3 Cookery - Mrs Lily Bonello
D4 Cookery - Mrs Lily Bonello
D5 Cookery - Mrs Lily Bonello
D6 Home Economics
D7 Home Economics
D8 Home Economics
D9 Home Economics
E1 Home Economics
E2 Home Economics
E3 Home Economics
E4 Home Economics

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