Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 02 JUL 08 GENERAL COLLECTION FOR FESTA

02 JUL 08 GENERAL COLLECTION FOR TITULAR FEAST Fund raising for Il-Vitorja the titular feast of the town is undertaken throughout the year. A sub committee for this purpose manages to net a substantial sum, about 50 per cent of the total income. The rest is obtained by the Archpriest going round making a general collection door to door. All families freely contribute to the festa expenses. They receive a token in recognition of their contribution, this year's was a silk pendant eith an image of the Bambina on one side and the Basilica on the other. This years programme can be viewed by clicking Coming Events on the home page.

A1 Called upstairs to receive the contribution
A2 With a smile a lady drops her contribution
A3 The neighbour happily follows
A4 A nice silk pendant in thanksgiving
A5 deacon Anthony Bajada collects another donation
A6 The pendant

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