Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 02 NOV 08 PILGRIMAGE TO CEMETERY

The Universal Church celebrates All Souls Day on the second day in November. The faithful departed are specially remembered and prayers offered for the repose of their souls. On that day, priests celebrate not one but three Masses. This year, falling on a Sunday, the usual Mass schedule was observed. However, at 4.30 p.m. the Vespers started being sung in the Basilica. Afterwards, a pilgrimage, led by the Archpriest and members of the clergy, left the Basilica on foot heading for the Parish cemetery a mile away. Many parishioners took part and attended Mass concelebrated in the small chapel at the village cemetery. At end of Mass, the Archpriest blessed the tombs which were decorated with flowers and burning candles. He also blessed the old cemetery where the remains of the victims of the plague which struck Xaghra 1814 lie buried.

A1 Vespers
A2 Vespers
A3 Vespers
A4 Vespers
A5 Vespers
A6 Vespers
A7 Vespers
A8 Vespers
A9 Vespers
B1 Vespers
B2 Vespers
B3 Vespers
B4 Vespers
B5 Benediction
B6 Reciting the Salve Regina
B7 Procession to Sacristy
B8 Rosary prior to 5 p.m. Mass
B9 Silvery sunset
C1 In procession to Cemetery
C2 In procession to Cemetery

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