Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 02 OCT 08 CEMETERY EXTENSION PROGRESS REPORT

Reports on works on the cemetery extension can be seen dated 19th February, 30th May and 5th June 2008. This report on the progress of the works extends up to Saturday 11th October. As can be seen from the photos, great progress was made since the June report. The base and foundations of the side wall of the extension is now complete. An important development was the delicate work removing the side wall. This was on the verge of crumbling down threatening to bring down with it the graves situated on the right hand side. This was successfully removed and a wide steel reinforced concrete wall erected in its place, thus the graves are now secure. This side of the front section is now complete. When the whole wall on the side behind the chapel is similarly replaced work proper on the extension and the building of graves will start. The side wall will be arched, as can be seen from the last six pictures and marble stones will be erected under these arches.

E5 Oct 2nd - View of new wall
E6 Oct 2nd - side of new extension
E7 New sidewall covered with tar sheeting
E8 arches will decorate the side wall
E9 rest of  wall to be pulled down and new one erected

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