Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 04 MAY 2008 FEAST OF ST JOSEPH PROCESSION

Immediately following Concelebrated Mass, at 7.00 p.m. the procession with the artistic statue of St Joseph started leaving the Basilica. When the statue reached the front of the parvis, the Victory Band, under the direction of its Musical Director, played the hymn Lil San Guzepp; (To St Joseph) composed by the late Mro. Michael Farrugia, the first Musical Director of the Band. The Band was accompanied by its Nativitas Choir;. The three Confraternities, that of St Joseph, the one of the Blessed Sacrament and the third of Our Lady of the Rosary led the procession. They were followed by the Victory Band marching in front of the statue and playing religious marches along the route. After the statue marched the Piccolo Clero, Seminarians, the Clergy and finally Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo carrying the reliquary of the Saint. The faithful brought up the rear reciting the Rosary. After leaving Victory Square, the procession passed through Triq 28 t;April 1688, Pjazza Sant;Anton, Triq San Guzepp and the upper part of Triq il-Knisja arriving back in Victory Square one hour fifteen minutes later. Back in the Square, the playing of the hymn once again was played and sung. Inside the Basilica, Benediction with the Holy Eucharist was imparted bringing to an end the festivities in honour of the Saint.

A1 Procession leaves Basilica
A2 Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament
A3 Confraternity of the Rosary
A4 Confraternity of Saint Joseph
A5 Statue of St Joseph
A6 Fireworks salute
A9 Victory Band plays Hymn to the Saint
B1 Bandsmen
B2 Mro Jos Galea directs Nativitas and Altar Boys' Choir
B3 Choristers
B4 Procession in Victory Square
B6 Papal flag flies on the Parish Offices
B7 Basilica in background
B8 Statue bearers
B9 Members of the Confraternity of St Joseph

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