Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 04 MAY 2008 FEAST OF ST JOSEPH VESPERS AND MASS

The feast of St Joseph, Co-Patron Saint of the Parish of Xaghra, was solemnly celebrated on Sunday 4th May 2008. At 4.30 p.m., Archpriest Carmelo Refalo led the Collegiate Chapter and Clergy accompanied by Seminarians in singing of the Vespers. These ended with the singing of the Salve Regina in front of the statue of Our Lady of Victories, Il-Bambina;. At 5.00 p.m., Mgr Nicholas J Cauchi, Bishop Emeritus of Gozo, assisted by Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo and members of the Collegiate Chapter and Clergy started co-celebrating High Mass. The Panegyric was delivered by the Very Reverend Canon John Sultana, a member of the Collegiate Chapter. In a lengthy praise of St Joseph, he ably illustrated the life of the Saint in a very learned way, highlighting his great virtues. In spite of his royal blood, coming from the House of David, Canon Sultana said that St Joseph was humble, pure, just and meek above all. He knew that his mission was to care for the Son of God and his mother Mary, and yet he did this with great humility. His love for the Holy Family entrusted to him and his obedience to the Lord under trying conditions was to serve as an example to all heads of family. Canon Sultana also dwelt at length on the ages old devotion to the saint found in his hometown culminating in putting the Parish under the protection of St Joseph as co-patron of Xaghra. Orchestra, soloists and Maria Bambina Choir under the direction of Mr Ronald Camilleri executed Missa San Antonio; composed by the late Mro Nazzareno Refalo. Mr. Louis Bajada animated Mass. The artistic statue was this year standing on a new artistic dais made in wood by Martin Agius of Tarxien. The sculpture on it is the work of Renzo Agius, also of Tarxien, Malta. Both artists have regaled the Basilica with a marvelous piece of art. All the expense involved was born by Archpriest Emeritus Mgr Eucharistic Sultana and his brothers and sisters in memory of their parents, the late Joseph and Josephine Sultana.

E4 First Prayer of the Faithful
E5 Second Prayer of the Faithful
E6 third Prayer of the Faithful
E7 Fourth Prayer of the Faithful
E8 Fifth Prayer of the Faithful
E9 Sixth Prayer of the Faithful
F1 Decorated Holy Water font
F2 Mass Offerings
F3 Mass Offerings
F4 Mass Offerings
F5 Mass Offerings
F6 Mass Offerings
F7 Mass Offerings
F8 Singing the Sanctus
F9 Prayers after Sanctus
G1 Prayers of Consecration
G2 Elevation of the Holy Host
G3 Elevation of the Holy Blood of Christ
G4 The Lord's Prayer
G5 Singing the Lord's Prayer

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