Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 05 OCT 08 FEAST OF OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY

The feast of Our Lady of The Rosary is celebrated in Xaghra on the first Sunday in October. So this year this was the 5th of October. Concelebration started at 5.00 p.m., the principal celebrant being Mgr Paul Cardona, Archpriest of the Parish of St George, Victoria. Concelebrating with him were Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Archpriest Emeritus Mgr Eucaristico Sultana, Canons Anthony Refalo, John Bartolo, Joseph Sultana, Anthony Refalo Rapa, John Sultana, Julian Refalo Rapa, Fr Daniel Xerri and Fr Salv Sultana. The Voci Angeliche Choir under the direction of Grace Vella and accompanied on the organ by Deacon the Rev. Joseph Curmi, animated the singing. Carmen Bajada played the role of Mass animator. At 6.00 p.m. procession with the artistic statue of Our Lady of The Rosary left the Basilica in procession. This statue was made in Marseilles, France, and was blessed on 12th April 1903. It shows the Madonna with Baby Jesus on her arm handing the Rosary to St Dominic seen kneeling on her right. St Michael the Archangel is on her left running a sword through the dragon, symbolizing the power of the Rosary over evil. In the procession all three confraternities took part. The statue was followed by the Piccolo Clero, the Clergy and the Collegiate Chapter. Behind then walked Mgr Paul Cardona carrying the reliquary of the Madonna. The Congregation who attended Mass were joined by other faithful and walked at the tail of the procession which passed through Triq 28 t'April 1688, Pjazza Sant'Anton, Triq San Guzepp and the upper part of Triq il-Knisja. When the procession was inside the Basilica, Benediction with the Holy Eucharist was imparted by Mgr Paul Cardona.

A1 Mgr Cardona during the homily
A4 Concelebrants
A5 Concelebrants
A6 Sr Michela - Prayers of the Faithful
A7 Carmen Bajada animator
A8 Offerings
A9 Offerings
B1 Choir Voci Angeliche
B2 Archpriest incensing concelebrating priests
B3 Sanctus
B4 All concelebrating priests
B5 Consecration
B6 Consecration
C1 The Lord's Prayer
C2 Message of peace

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