Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 07 JUN 08 SEMINAR FOR EUCHARISTIC COMMUNITIES

On Saturday, 7 June 2008, the Parish organised a seminar for the five Eucharistic Communities of Xaghra. This was to serve as an evaluation of the Pastoral Year which was coming to a close. It was held in the main hall of the Patri Mattew Sultana Primary School of Xaghra, There are five Eucharistic Communities in Xaghra with membership of over one hundred. The first to be established was over sixteen years ago among the Nazzarenu Community by Fr Ignatius Borg, the then Rector of Nazzarenu Church. The three who meet in the upper zone of the parish have Can. Michael Borg; Fr Joseph Bajada, Deputy Rector of the Gozo Seminary; and Fr Noel Saliba as their moderators and Spiritual Directors. Can Anthony Refalo Rapa, Rector of Nazzarenu Church and Fr Mark Demanuele act in the same capacity for the two Communities who are established in the Nazzarenu area. The theme of the seminar was INSIRU HBIEB TA; L-EVANGELJU GHALL-QADI TAL-KNISJA; (We will befriend the Gospel to serve the Church). Main themes for reflection were taken from the Diocesan Pastoral Plan. Mainly the topics for discussion were about the importance that lay Christians understand the importance and urgency of the call of the Laity to be of service to the Church and that for catechesis to be more effective it needs to be focused on small groupings. It started off at 4.00 p.m. with introduction by Archpriest Refalo followed by lecture and discussion which continued over the coffee break at 5.45 p.m. The seminar resumed with Can Anthony Refalo Rapa leading the group in Psalm singing. Fr Joseph Bajada;s lecture was next after which the group split up into six workshops. Over seventy members attended the seminar which ended at 8.00 p.m.

A1 Gathering for the Seminar
A2 Archpriest Refalo introducing the Seminar
A3 Psalm reading
A4 Participants
A5 Can Anthony Refalo Rapa
A6 Talk by Can Anthony Refalo Rapa
A8 Can Ant Refalo Rapa
A9 end of second session
B1 Coffee Break
B2 Coffee Break
B3 Coffee Break
B4 Coffee Break
B5 Coffee Break
B6 Coffee Break
B7 Coffee Break
B8 Discussion continues over coffee break
B9 coffee break
C1 Coffee break
C2 Coffee Break

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