Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 08 08 08 XAGHRA PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES

08 AUG 08 XAGHRA PILGRIMS IN LOURDES On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady the Immaculate Conception to Bernadette Soubirous from Lourdes, Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Archpriest of Xaghra led over forty parishioners, including Xaghra emigrants in Australia, on a pilgrimage to Lourdes. Among them were Monty Sultana and his wife Jean from Sydney. Thanks to Monty, the event is brought to you in his pictures. Mgr Archpriest was accompanied by Fr Saviour Sultana. In Lourdes they were accomodated in the Christina Hotel. All pilgrims were extremely satisfied with the tour arrangements as programmed and expressed their appreciation for Archpriest Refalo. The pilgrims left Xaghra for Lourdes on Thursday 31 July, returning to Xaghra on Thursday 7 August 2008. We are grateful to Monty Sultana for the pictures.

C2 Praying, thanking, hoping
C3 A common sight in Lourdes
C4 Praying under the shade of trees
C5 Monty Sultana proudly holds the Maltese flag
C9 Fr Saviour Sultana clebrates Mass
D1 Mgr Refalo reads the Gospel
D2 Fr Sultana celebrating Mass
D3 Concelebrating with priests from other nations
D4 Angela Gafa' reads the Lesson
D5 Xaghra Pilgrims with the Maltese flag
D8 Monty and Jean Sultana near the river
D9 A moment of rest
E1 The Basilica in the background
E2 Pilgrims gather near the Grotta
E3 Inside the Grotta at night

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