Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 08 08 08 XAGHRA PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES

08 AUG 08 XAGHRA PILGRIMS IN LOURDES On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady the Immaculate Conception to Bernadette Soubirous from Lourdes, Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Archpriest of Xaghra led over forty parishioners, including Xaghra emigrants in Australia, on a pilgrimage to Lourdes. Among them were Monty Sultana and his wife Jean from Sydney. Thanks to Monty, the event is brought to you in his pictures. Mgr Archpriest was accompanied by Fr Saviour Sultana. In Lourdes they were accomodated in the Christina Hotel. All pilgrims were extremely satisfied with the tour arrangements as programmed and expressed their appreciation for Archpriest Refalo. The pilgrims left Xaghra for Lourdes on Thursday 31 July, returning to Xaghra on Thursday 7 August 2008. We are grateful to Monty Sultana for the pictures.

E4 celebrating Mass in the Grotta
E5 Ms Grace Attard reads First Lesson
E6 Xaghra pilgrims at Mass
E7 Ms Maria Sultana Farrugia reads Second Lesson
E8 Mgr Archpriest reads the Gospel
E9 In front row Monty and Jean Sultana
F1 End of Mass
F2 Attending another Eucharistic Celebration
F5 Mary Ann Sciberras reading the Lesson
F6 Sign of Peace between Archpriest and Martin Portelli
F7 Showing off the Maltese flag
F8 Group photo

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