Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 11 MAY 08 FORTY YEARS OF PRIESTHOOD

11th May 1968, at the Gozo Cathedral, Victoria, H.L. Mgr Nicholas J. Cauchi, Bishop of Gozo, ordained eleven young man to the priesthood. These were : Borg Salv (Victoria), Cini Carm (Zebbug), Hili Carm (Xaghra), Grima Alfred (Xewkija), Mercieca George (Xewkija), Refalo Anthony (Xaghra), Sultana Salv (Xaghra), Sultana Joseph (Xaghra), Tabone Joseph (Gharb), Xuereb Publius (Qala), and Vella Joseph (Zebbug). 11th May 2008, forty years later, at Maria Bambina Basilica, Xaghra, H.L. Mgr Nicholas J Cauchi, now Bishop Emeritus of Gozo, was the main Celebrant at Thanksgiving Mass in which Fr Carm Cini, Mgr Carm Hili, Fr George Mercieca, Can Anthony Refalo, Fr Salv Sultana and Can Joseph Tabone, six of the original eleven ordained priests concelebrated. The missing ones were Fr Alfred Grima and Hon Can Joseph Sultana, both serving as Parish Priests in Canada, Fr Publius Xuereb and Fr Joseph Vella, both Parish Priests in the U.S.A. and the late Mgr Salv Borg. Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Archpriest of Xaghra, addressed the Congregation before Mass explaining the meaning of the occasion. Seminarian Mark Bonello animated Mass while the Choir Schola Cantorum Jubilate under the direction of its director Ms. Marouska Attard, accompanied by Mr. Stephen Attard on the organ animated the singing. Being Pentecost Sunday, the High Altar was draped in red as were the flower arrangements all in crimson. A large painting of the Holy Spirit descending on the Apostles was exposed under one of the arches in the nave. To the ten priests we wish many fruitful years to come working in the field of the Lord. AD MULTOS ANNOS

A1 Memento of the occasion
A2 Archpriest detailing the day's happy occasion
A5 Seminarian Mark Bonello - animator
A6 Procession to High Altar
A7 Bishop with the six concelebrants
A8 Red all around
A9 Choir Schola Cantorum Jubilate
B1 Rays from Crucifix come down over the High Altar
B2 The First Lesson  - Accolyte Anthony Bajada
B3 Second Lesson - Seminarian Daniel Sultana
B4 The Gospel - Can. Anthony Refalo
B5 Bishop Cauchi - the Homily
B6 Congregation during the homily
B7 Gabriella Agius - Prayers of the Faithful
B8 Mass Offerings - family Galea
B9 Mass Offerings
C1 Front rows of Congregation
C2 The Preface

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