Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 12 0CT 08 SYDNEY FAREWELL DAY FOR CAN JOSEPH SULTANA

Time was now running out fast for Canon Joseph Sultana to leave Sydney and Australia and return to Xaghra. Sunday 12th October was programmed as Farewell Day. It started at 11.00 a.m. with a picnic for families at the Park in Nurragingy Reserve, a passive recreation and bushland area covering ninety hectares in the heart of the city of Blacktown and Western Sydney. It was a bright and sunny day with lots of food and drink. When it was dessert time, Canon Sultana was called to cut a œBon Voyage" cake which he willingly did and those present willingly helped themselves to it. At 5.00 p.m. a more solemn ceremony awaited him at St John the Evangelist Church in Riverstone. There he celebrated Mass and had time to say goodbye to those present who afterwards approached him to bid him farewell. As expected, most of the Congregation was of Xaghrin Australians. No time to lose as at 6.30 p.m. another appointment with more Xaghrin at the Hamrun Social Club was awaiting him. There he had the occasion of meeting more Xaghrin who went there to wish him bon voyage. In photos E8 and E9 he is seen on stage receiving a farewell message and him replying, thanking everybody for the hospitality shown to him. The Hamrun Club Committee showed their appreciation for his visit with a streamer welcoming him to the Club. The Club has strong ties with Xaghrin in Sydney and Canon Sultana`s visit must have strengthened that good relationship. Canon Joseph Sultana will be leaving Australia sentimentally overweight with memories of so many happy moments which he will carry with him for a very, very long time. He may be also returning physically overweight after so many days of breakfasting, lunching and dining and we augur that he will shed that in a very short time. Photos are courtesy of Mrs Michelle Said to whom we are grateful.

A2 Paul Xiberras, Montyand Jean Sultana
A3 Mary Ann Grech offers a drink
A4 A young picnicker
A6 Enjoying the shade
A7 Fr Joseph, Alfred Bajada, Paul Xiberras
A8 Fr Joseph, Joe Hili (Xaghra), Frank hili, Alfred Bajada
A9 Relaxing
B1 Farewell Cake
B2 The lovely gathering
B3 Picnick coming to an end
B4 Cutting the cake - reminder holiday coming to an end
B5 Cake on the move
B6 Joe Hili with the girls
B7 Mass at St John's - Riverstone
B8 Mass at St John's - Riverstone
B9 Mass at St John's - Riverstone
C1 Mass at St John's - Riverstone
C2 Mass at St John's - Riverstone

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