Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 15 MAR 08 ANNUAL PICNIC IN MELBOURNE - Antoinette Bajada

Every year we (the Xaghra Association of Australia) hold a picnic at Brimbank Park. This park is huge with several BBQ areas and the Maribyrnong River flows through it. It's in Keilor, not far from my place. It's handy for the Maltese as most of the Maltese live in the Western Suburbs. This picnic is an expense to the club as we supply all the BBQ food and most of the drinks. We have games for the children, bingo for prizes for the ladies (and gents too), bocci for the men and bocci for the ladies too. The winners play against each other. We started the bocci for the ladies last year and both years the ladies won. We always presented the winners and second best of each gender with trophies, but this year we gave them bottles of wine and port. The winners were Tony Borg and Joe Bajada, Josie Bajada (my sister-in-law) and Josephine Bezzina. This year the weather couldn't be better, it was 25º Celcius with intermittent clouds. Everybodyenjoyed it. They don't stop thanking us for everything. It's great when everything goes well.


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