Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 16 JUL 08 FEAST OF OUR LADY OF MT CARMEL AT TA HAMET

16 JULY 2008 FEAST OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL Lying at the feet of Xaghra plateau and next to Nuffara Hill is the Chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Tal-Karmnu as it is locally known. The chapel has Mgr Carmelo Hili from Xaghra as its Rector. The feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel is celebrated every year on its proper day. Concelebrating with H.L. Mgr Nicholas J Cauchi, Bishop Emeritus of Gozo were Mgr Carmelo Hili and Mgr Rosario Borg. Fr Joseph Cini led the procession after Mass. The Choir Voci Angeliche from Xaghra animated the singing. Benediction with the Holy Eucharist brought the feast to an end.

J1 Mgr Hili reads the Kurunella tal-Karmnu
J5 Benediction with Holy Eucharist
J7 Tal-Karmnu sleeps in silent surrounds

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