Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 17 APR 08 THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF ARCHPRIEST REFALO

On 17th April 2005, Xaghra gave a big welcome to Mgr Carmelo Refalo for his installation as Archpriest of his hometown. It was on 10th February that the then Bishop of Gozo Mgr Nicholas J Cauchi nominated him as the Archpriest to succeed Mgr Eucharistic Sultana as Spiritual leader of the Parish. The third anniversary on 17th April 2008 was commemorated by Mgr Refalo concelebrating Mass with six other priests in the Basilica. They were his brother Can Anthony Refalo Rapa, his uncle Can. Julian Refalo Rapa, his cousin Can. Anthony Refalo. They were accompanied by Can George Farrugia, Can Joseph Sultana and Fr Saviour Sultana. When Mass was ended, an hour;s adoration of the Holy Eucharist was held.

C3 General view of the nave
C4 View from right hand aisle
C5 Prayers during Consecartion
C6 Elevation of the Holy Host
C7 Consecration of the Blood of Jesus
C8 Elevation of the Chalice
C9 After Consecration
D1 Section of the Congregation
D2 Prayers after consecration
D3 The Lord's Prayer
D4 Congregation joins in the Lord's Parayer
D4 Message of Peace
D5 Message of Peace
D6 Prayers before Holy Communion
D7 Holy Communion
D8 Start of Adoration of Holy Eucharist
D9 Archpriest kneels in front of the Blessed Sacrament
E1 The Holy Host in the Monstrance
E2 Archpriest leads in Adoration

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