Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 21 JUN 08 PILGRIMS AT TA PINU

21 JUN 08 - OUR LADY TA PINU 125th ANNIVERSARY On Saturday, 21 June 2008, eve of the 125th anniversary that Our Lady talked to a peasant lady, Carmela Grima, Mass was concelebrated starting at 6.30 p.m at the National Shrine of Ta Pinu. The Xaghra Collegiate Chapter together with those of Nadur, St George and Gharb were invited to participate, Canon Anthony Refalo represented Xaghra Collegiate Chapter. Among the congregation were many people from Xaghra. After Mass, a prayer vigil was held starting with a unique pilgrimage aux flambeaux after sunset. Unique because the pilgrims gathered near the House where Carmela Grima lived as a spinster and from there they proceeded down a pathway in the countryside which Grima used to follow on her way to work in her fields. In 1883 this passage led to a small chapel dedicated to the Assumption. Carmela daily stopped to pay a visit to the Madonna inside where she spent some time praying on her way back home. On the morning of the 22nd June that year, Carmela apparently was too busy to make the usual call and visit the Madonna; she was going to skip the daily appointment. Passing by the chapel at 10.10 a.m. she heard a voice coming from within the Chapel beseeching her to go in. Ejja Come was the call and Carmela unconscious of the caller's identity, entered. The same voice she heard outside now came from the painting of the Assumption hanging over the altar. Among other prayers, the Madonna asked her to recite three Ave Maria for the three days she lay in the tomb before being taken to Heaven body and soul. The pilgrims, quite a few of them coming from Xaghra walked to the Sanctuary reciting the Rosary on the way. When they entered the Sanctuary they proceeded to the Chapel where they placed the candles on the steps in front of it. The Blessed Sacrament was exposed and the vigil continued in silent prayer until 10.00 p.m. The vigil was led by the Archpriest of Gharb Mgr Carmelo Gauci. All celebrations of this anniversary were organized by a committee under the chairmanship of the Rector of Ta; Pinu Sanctuary, Fr Gerard Buhagiar who hails from Xaghra.

A1 Ejja - Come -Our Lady's call to Carmena Grima
A2 Procesion enters the Basilica
A3 Representatives of Xaghra, Nadur and Gharb Collegiates
A4 Fr Gerard Buhagiar, Ta' Pinu Rector
A5 Can Michael Galea ex Rector carries the Reliquary
A6 start of Eucharistic Celebration
B1 The Basilica  filled with the faithful
B3 Maltese pilgrim reads the First Lesson
B4 Second Lesson - Franciscan Sister from Xaghra Community
B5 The Gospel - Can Michael Cauchi
B6 The Homily - Can Michael Galea
B7 During the Homily
B8 Prayers of the Faithful
B9 The Offerings at Mass
C1 The Offertory
C2 Pilgrims from Xaghra

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