Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 23 MAY 08 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION

Friday, 23 May 2008, was a great day to be remembered by forty five young children, twenty one girls and twenty four boys from Xaghra and their families. On that day they received Holy communion for the first time. All clad in white and carrying decorated candles, at 6.30 p.m. they moved in procession from the premises of the Society of Christian Doctrine, Girls; Section, in Triq Jannar, to the Basilika where their parentsand relatives were gathered to witness this moment of great joy for them all. Mass was concelebrated by Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo together with eight other priests. Louis Bajada animated Mass. Ms Grace Vella directed the Voci Angeliche Choir which was accompanied by the synthesizer providing the music. The Lessons were read by the two Catechists who had been grooming the children during the last year. Can. George Farrugia read the Gospel which was followed by the homily. This was in the form of a dialogue between the Archpriest and the children. During Mass, prayers were recited by the children and at one time they even sang prayers directed by Ms Vella. When the big moment arrived, the children filed up the nave to receive Holy Communion from the hands of the Archpriest. He gave way to Fr Joseph Bajada, Fr. Gorg Buttigieg Ofm Conv. and Fr Charles Sultana when the young recipients were relatives of the three named priests. After Mass, Archpriest Refalo presented the children with a certificate.

G7 Fr Joe Bajada hands Holy Communion to a relative
G8 Receiving Holy Communion for the first time
G9 Receiving Holy Communion for the first time
H1 Receiving Holy Communion for the first time
H2 Fr George Buttigieg gives  Holy Communion to his niece
H3 Fr George Buttigieg gives Holy Communion to his nephew
H4 Receiving Holy Communion for the first time
H5 Receiving Holy Communion for the first time
H6 Receiving Holy Communion for the first time
H7 Receiving Holy Communion for the first time
H8 Fr Joe Bajada gives Holy communion to a relative
H9 Receiving Holy Communion for the first time
I1 Receiving Holy Communion for the first time
I3 Receiving Holy Communion for the first time
I4 Fr Charles Sultana gives Holy Communion to a relative
I5 Receiving Holy Communion for the first time
I6 Prayer of thanksgiving
I7 Prayer of thanksgiving
I8 Benediction
I9 Flower arrangement

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