Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 24 MAY 08 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PARISH PARTY

A novel idea by the Parish was to organize a party for the families of the children who received their First Holy Communion this year. This was held the day after, on Saturday 24th May at the Patri Mattew Sultana Primary School. All the involved families turned up and the Parish left no stone unturned to make out of the party not just a success but an exceptionally big one. There was not just an abundance of good food and drinks but also a lot of fun for the children. In the school grounds they enjoyed the bouncy castle, the chutes and other equipment which kept them in high spirits all the time. The music, provided by the couple John and Silvana Agius added to keep the party lively. Those keen to watch the finals of the Eurosong Festival could do this also at the party on a TV set installed in the hall. Mgr Carmelo Refalo, the Parish Archpriest, spent all the time going round talking to the families. In his concluding address he expressed his satisfaction that the idea of one big party was a big success and expressed his hope that this will be an annual activity. This surely was beneficial to the families as they would save on organizing their own individual parties. The families made a donation to help the parish recoup some of the expense


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