Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 25 MAY 08 FEAST CORPUS CHRISTI

The feast of Corpus Christi was celebrated in Xaghra, as with the Universal Church, on 25 May 2008. The main celebrant at Concelebrated Solemn High Mass was Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Archpriest of Xaghra. Concelebrating with him were Mgr Carmelo Hili, Can Angelo Bartolo, Can Anthony Refalo, Can George Farrugia, Can Julian Refalo Rapa, Can. Anton Refalo Rapa, Can. John Sultana and Fr Saviour Sultana. The children who had received their First Holy Communion the previous Friday were present in the front pews. Seminarian Daniel Sultana was Mass animator. The Voci Angeliche Choir, under its Director Ms Grace Vella, animated the singing with Mario Curmi accompanying on the organ. After Mass, the Holy Eucharist was exposed. Soon after, it was handed to Mgr Refalo who then carried it out of the Basilica in procession. The three Confraternities led the procession followed by children mentioned above with the girls in white robes, the boys in the traditional costume, the zimarra;. They were followed by the Piccolo Clero, Clergy and Collegiate Chapter with the Blessed Sacrament following. The Voci Angeliche Choir walked behind it singing Eucharistic Hymns. The many scores of faithful present walked after the Holy Eucharist praying the Rosary. It was a magnificent view seeing the full length procession moving along Victory Square to go round the old Village Cross in keeping with old tradition. It then moved on to January Street. Where this street meets with Bullara Street, the procession stopped for Benediction to be imparted. It then continued through Bullara Street and on to Shaft Street back to the Square. All along the route, houses flew flags and most had doorways and windows decorated with red banners and pots with plants and colourful flowers in homage to the Blessed Sacrament. The children showered the way with petals. Back in the Basilica, Benediction was imparted.

C3 Organist Mario Curmi
C4 The Blessed Sacrament on the High Altar
C5 Canopy ready to take part in procession
C6 Confraternities lead the procession
C7 Boys and girls taking part in procession
C8 Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament
C9 Basket full of petals
D2 Collegiate Chapter and Clergy
D3 Blessed Sacrament in Basilica doorway
D4 Archpriest carries the Holy Eucharist
D5 Procession crosses the Square
D8 Choir follows the Blessed Sacrament
D9 Faithful in  procession
E1 In January Street

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