Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 25 MAY 2008 FEAST CORPUS CHRISTI STREET DECORATIONS

On the feast of Corpus Christi, the Blessed Sacrament is carried in procession along some of the main streets of Xaghra. As a sign of respect to the Blessed Sacrament, the households residing in those streets decorate as much as possible their area. Effigies of the Sacred Heart of Jesus or symbols of the Holy Eucharist either hang from windows or can be seen in doorways. Pots with plants and flowers will be placed on the pavement and bright red cloth hangs from window sills and balconies, some of them carrying artistic religious designs. The attached photos give an idea of the scene in the streets that morning.

E5 Shaft Street
E6 Shaft Street
E7 Shaft Street

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