Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 27 APR 08 SANT ANTON END OF QUARANTORE PROCESSION

After Mass, procession with the Holy Eucharist left the Church and proceeded towards St Anthony Square and on to Triq 28 t;April 1688, Triq San Guzepp, crossing again St Anthony Square and on to Triq Sant;Anton up to the Belvedere at San Marzjal. Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo carried the Holy Eucharist along all the way accompanied by the three parish Confraternities, altar boys and the clergy. Young boys and girls, the former wearing the traditional zimarra and the girls in white robes, took part in the procession walking in front of the Holy Eucharist, scattering red petals in honour of the Blessed Scarament. At the Belvedere, with a panoramic view of the east side of Gozo and Malta in the distance and in calm weather, Mgr Refalo renewed the Consecration of the families to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady and imparted benediction. The procession got underway once more returning to the Church of St Anthony the Abbot where again benediction with the Holy Eucharist was imparted.

A1 Papal flag flies in the breeze
A2 Preparations in hand for procession
A3 Young boys and girls clad in traditional costume
A4 The clergy in attendance
A5 Mgr Archpriest, emerges at Church door with the Holy Eucharist
A6 The Holy Eucharist carried under the canopy
A7 Heading towards St Anthony Square
A9 At the beginning of St Anthony Street
B1 Arriving in St Anthony Square
B2 In St Anthony Square
B3 In St Anthony Square
B4 Young altar boys with incense in front of Blessed Sacrament
B5 At the foot of statue of St Anthony the Abbot
B6 Enters 28th April Street
B7 Showering petals in front of the Blessed Sacrament
B8 Coming down onto St Joseph Street
B9 The Holy Eucharist in Trejqet San Guzepp
C1 Decorated doorway
C2 Moving up St Joseph Street

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