Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 27 JUN 08 ORDINATION OF DEACONS RECEPTION

27 JUN 2008 - CELEBRATING THE ORDINATION It was only fair, for those who were there, to enjoy moments and share, with the new Deacons the fare, their families cared to make on offer. On a still summer night seated to music provided by John and Sylvana the guests were entertained to a lavish reception held after the ordination on the bastions of the Citadel. A bar was stocked with all types of drink, soft and wine. The Shepherd of the Diocese was there with Monsignors, clergy and religious mixing with the flock young and not so young. Well into the night they were entertained non stop to delicacies prepared by Frankie Rapa with Tony the usher ensuring that no one missed anything. Two very sentimental poems for the occassion were read by the authors, one by Rita Bajada wife of Anthony's uncle and which she dedicated it to their nephew, the other by Paul Xiberras from Sydney which was dedicated to the three new Deacons. On the stroke of 11.00 pm, to the sound of aerial fireworks coming from the village of Nadur celebrating the feast of its Patron Saints, under the watchful eye of their Bishop, the three new deacons cut a beautiful cake (a pity as it was so artistically made) to the applause of one and all. To those legally entitled to it, champagne flowed freely.

K3 cheers
K5 What goes up has to come down

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