Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 27 JUN 08 ORDINATION OF THREE XAGHRA DEACONS

Today, Friday, 27th June 2008, H.L. Bishop Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo will ordain three young men as Deacons. It will be another red letter day for Xaghra as all three hail from the town. The New Deacons are Anthony Bajada from the community of Sant'Anton, Joseph Curmi from the central community and Richard Nazzareno Farrugia from the community of Nazzarenu. We congratulate them and their families on this memorable day and share their joy that these three lads are committing themselves to the service of the Church and the communities for whom they will dedicating their lives. May these three young men be an inspiration and source of encouragement to others who hear the call of the Lord, for them to listen carefully and say YES to His command through their religious vocation. As befitting the occasion, Xaghra is en fete with flags flying over rooftops.

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A5 Xaghra en fete
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A7 Xaghra en fete
A8 Xaghra en fete

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