Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 27 JUN 08 PROGRESS IN WORKS OF CEMETERY

27 JUN 2008 CEMETERY WORKS UPDATE After a few weeks of works on the cemetery extension progress is now clearly visible. First works undertaken were to secure the foundations of the side wall which were in a precarious state and which had been showing signs of crumbling down. Now works have started on laying the foundations for the side wall of the extension. Deep holes many metres down are being dug which will eventually be filled with reinforced steel beams and cement. Many of these reinforcements have already been completed at the back of the extension. We will continue to bring you progress reports on these works.

A1 Below the present cemetery
A2 foundations for the wall
A3 Wall site
A4 Side wall foundations
A7 Deep below the site lie layers of  blue clay
A8 removing the clay
B1 back to drilling down many metres deep
B2 Below the Chapel in the old section
B2 Drilling the hole for steel and concrete
B3 the exposed side of old cemetery
B4 Note the Chapel on top

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