Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2008 » 27 JUN 08 THREE NEW DEACONS ORDAINED

27 JUN 2008 THREE XAGHRA LADS THREE NEW DEACONS Finally the great day arrived for three lads Anthony Bajada, Joseph Curmi and Richard Nazzareno Farrugia, their families and the Xaghra Community at large. They were the three Gozitan seminarians and all from Xaghra to be ordained Deacons this year by H.L. Bishop Mario Grech at the Gozo Cathedral on Friday 27 June 2008 during Eucharistic Celebration starting at 6.00 p.m. Many members of the collegiate Chapter and clergy from Xaghra joined Monsignors and scores of priests in concelebrating with his Lordship. Among them were Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Xaghra Archpriest and Mgr Eucharistic Sultana Archpriest Emeritus of Xaghra. The Rector and the Deputy Rector of the Seminary, Fr Daniel Xerri and Fr Joseph Bajada, together with the Administrator Can George Farrugia, all three from Xaghra were there. From Rome came Fr Michael Curmi, brother of Joseph, one of the new deacons, who was ordained priest last year. And as befitting this special all Xaghra occasion, the singing was animated by the Choir Voci Angeliche of Xaghra directed by Mrs Grace Vella with its musical Director Mr Ronald Camilleri accompanying on the organ. They were joined by the Diocesan Youth Choir. And from Xaghra too came the ushers, Mr Tony and Mrs Doris Grech. Many of the front pews in the nave were taken up by the new Deacons; immediate families and relatives, some coming from as far away as Australia to be with their loved ones witnessing the event. Friends and people from Xaghra completely filled the Cathedral. We join the people of Xaghra in congratulating the three new deacons and share the joy of their families. God willing, this time next year, these young men will be going up to the altar to be ordained to the priesthood and start their ministry as commanded of them by the Lord.

F2 Deacon Anthony embraces Xaghra Archpriest
F3 Deacon Curmi embraces his brother Fr Michael
F4 Deacon Farrugia embraces Seminary Rector Fr D Xerri
F5 Mass Offerings - Anthony's Parents
F6 Mass Offerings - Joseph's Parents
F8 Mass Offerings - Richard's parents
G1 Deacon Bajada prepares for Offertory
G2 After Offertory
G3 Washing Bishop's hands
G4 New Deacons behind the Bishop after the Offertory
G5 The New Deacons joined by two other new Maltese Deacons
G5 The New Deacons joined by two other priests
G6 Xaghra Choir Voci Angeliche in organ loft
G7 Prayers prior to consecration
G8 Deacon Anthony Bajada incensing during Consecration
G9 Elevation of the Holy Host
H1 Elevation of the Chalice
H2 Deacon Curmi assists the Bishop at Mass

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