Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » CHRISTMAS 2009 » 25 DEC 09 - ST TARCISIO - PLAY AT ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT CHURCH

A1 Jesus gives mandate to Apostles to spread the Word of God
A2 In catacombs Timothy, Lidia and Darius talk of persecution of Christians
A3 In catacombs Priest Dionisius celebrates the Holy Eucharist
A4 Priest Dionisius celebrates the Holy Eucharist
A5 Timothy suggests Christians to be martyred receive the Holy Eucharist
A6  Tarcisius volunteers since nobody would suspect him
A7 Tarcisius receives the Holy Eucharist and goes away
A8 A lady invites Tarcisius to stay in her house
A9 Tarcisius replies he could not as he was on an important mission
B1 Kids in a Square in Rome
B2 They want to play a game but have to be four boys
B3 Tarcisius arrives near them
B4 Petilio invites Tarcisius to join them play
B5 Tarcisius refuses to play and Petilio tries to force him
B6 Tarcisius is bullied by the boys
B7 The boys suspect Tarcisius is has something hidden and beat him
B8 Refusing to hand over the Holy Eucharist Tarcisius is beaten up
B9 Tarcisius starts bleeding from his injuries
C1 Quadratus, Roman undercover Christian soldier arrives on the scene
C2 Quadratus recognizes Tarcisius the Christian boy

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