Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » CHRISTMAS 2009 » 25 DEC 09 - MIDNIGHT MASS AND AGAPE

G6 Prayers of the Faithful
G7 The Offerings
G8 Choir singing during presentation of Offerings
G9 The Offerings
H1 The Offerings
H2 The Offerings
H3 The Offerings
H4 The Offerings
H5 Offertory
H6 Deacon incenses the Celebrant
H7 Deacon incensing the Congregation
H8 The Preface
H9 Organist Fr Michael Curmi
I1 Choir singing the Sanctus
I2 Consecration
I3 Elevation of the Holy Host
I4 Elevation of the Chalice
I5 Body and Blood of Christ
I6 The Lord's Prayer
I7 Messages of peace exchanged

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