Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » CHRISTMAS 2009 » 25 DEC 09 - TRADITIONAL PROCESSION WITH BABY JESUS

In many towns all over Malta and Gozo, processions organised by the Society of Christian Doctrine (MUSEUM) with the statue of Baby Jesus take place over Christmas. Many take place on Christmas Eve, in Xaghra's case it takes place late on the evening of Christmas Day. This was founded byDun, now Saint,George Preca founder of the Society. At 17:00 the procession left the premises of the Boys' Section in Triq Dun Gorg Preca winding its wayalongthe streetsof Parisot, Gnien Xibla, Tigrija, through Victory Square to Spiera. Bullara, Knisja and back to Victory Square. In the procession children and people of all ages took part. The Victory Band accompanied Choirs playing Carols. Young boys carried lanterns while elder boys carried the statue of Baby Jesus. The procession ended in the Basilica where a programme of poetry and prose reading took place. A play entitled Seven Angels in a Portrait took place. Young Andre Cassarthen delivered the traditional and much awaited Sermonof the Boy. In the end, Joseph Attard, Superior of themale section of the Society presented Andre with a statuette of his patron saint, St Andrew.

C4 Shaft Street
C5 Shaft Street
C7 Bullara Street
D4 Play 7 Angels in a Painting
D5 Play 7 Angels in a Painting
D6 Play 7 Angels in a Painting
D7 Play 7 Angels in a Painting
D8 Play 7 Angels in a Painting
D9 Play 7 Angels in a Painting
E1 Play 7 Angels in a Painting
E2 Play 7 Angels in a Painting
E3 Play 7 Angels in a Painting
E4 Play 7 Angels in a Painting

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