Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » CHRISTMAS 2009 » 31 DEC 09 - THANKSGIVING MASS LAST DAY OF YEAR

A1 Exposition of the Holy Sacrament
A2 Statue of Baby Jesus on side altar
A3 Concelebrants in procession to High Altar
A4 Choir Voci Angeliche
A5 Mgr Archpriest main celebrant
A7 Singing the Gloria
A8 Mr Ronald Camilleri on the Organ
A9 Mrs Grace Vella directing the Choir
B3 Mass animator Mr Joseph Refalo
B4 First Lesson Ms Natalina Sultana
B6 Second Lesson Mr Michael Spiteri
B7 Can G Farrugia incensing the Bible Book
B8 The Gospel read by Can G Farrugia
B9 The Sermon by Can Michael Galea
C1 The Sermon by Can Michael Galea
C2 The Sermon by Can Michael Galea

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