Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » CHRISTMAS 2009 » 31 DEC 09 - THANKSGIVING MASS LAST DAY OF YEAR

C3 The Sermon by Can Michael Galea
C4 Prayers of the Faithful by Ms Gabriella Agius
C5 The Offerings by Family Bajada
C6 The Offerings by family Bajada
C7 The Offerings by family Bajada
C9 Offertory
D1 Incensing the altar
D2 Incensing the Crucifix
D3 Can Galea incensing the main celebrant Mgr Refalo
D4 Washing of hands
D5 Incensing the Faithful
D6 The Preface
D7 The Sanctus
D8 Choir singing the Sanctus
E1 Prayers before consecration
E2 Consecration of the bread
E3 Elevation
E4 Consecration of the wine

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