Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » EASTER 2009 » 19 APR 09 - EASTER PAGEANT - IKUN LI TRID INT - THY WILL BE DONE

A1 Spectators gather for spectacle
A4 Orchestra and Choir
A5 Joseph Bartolo singing
A6 Busy Archpriest Refalo manages to make it on time
A7 l-r Parliamentary Secr Chris Said, Mayor and Mrs Joe Cordina, Arch Refalo
A8 F Rapa, D Grech, J Sultana animating the proceedings
A9 Jesus on way to Gethsemani
B1 Agony in Gethsemani
B3 Judas arrives
B4 Calls Jesus - Rabbi
B6 The betrayal kiss
B7 The desperation of Judas
B8 Pontius Pilate
B9 The servants
C1 Pilate finds no fault with Jesus
C2 Barabbas

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