Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » EASTER 2009 » 19 APR 09 - EASTER PAGEANT - IKUN LI TRID INT - THY WILL BE DONE

C3 Jesus has done no wrong
C4 Choosing between Jesus and Barabbas
C5 Pilate seals Jesus fate
C6   Jesus accepts in silence
C7 The Passion starts
C8 Ridiculed and molested
C9 Being scourged
D1 Crowned with thorns
D2 Made to carry the Cross
D4 On the way to Calvary
D5 Falls under the Cross - the weight of Man's sins
D6 Exhausted
D7 Confession - waking up again after falling in sin
D8 Confessing one's sins
D9 Confessing one's sins
E1 Your sins are forgiven
E2 Go in peace of the Lord
E3 Soloist Diana Teuma
E4 Mary mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene rush to be near Jesus

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