Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » EASTER 2009 » 19 APR 09 - EASTER PAGEANT - IKUN LI TRID INT - THY WILL BE DONE

E5 John the beloved Apostle moved by the scene
E6 A young actor plays her part impeccably
E7 Grieving Mother and suffering Son are separated
E8 Jesus falls a second time
E9 And so too Man falls another time in sinning
F1 Animators comment the scene and the message
F3 Hectic today's life
F4 Children off to school
F5 tragedies and emergencies of daily life
F6 busy at work
F7 Forgetting Jesus in the rush of today's life
G1 Time for everything except God
G2 Soloist Grace Vella
G4 Time to play - none to pray
G5 No notice to the suffering of Jesus
G6 Jesus came to teach LOVE

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