Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FEAST OF ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT - 2009 » 13 JAN 09 - FEAST OF ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT - FAMILY DAY

A1 Can John Sultana prior to start of service
A2 Procession entering the Church
A3 Can John Bartolo and Fr Emanuel Magro
A4 incensing the altar
A5 Start of Mass
A6 Initial prayers
A7 The First Lesson
A8 The Gospel - Can John Sultana
A9 The Second Lesson
B1 The Homily
B2 Prayers of the Faithful
B3 Procession with Offerings
B4 The Offerings
B5 Offertory
B6 Offering the chalice
B7 Can Sultana incensing the Celebrant
B8 Sisters Marita Vella and Diana Teuma animating the singing
B9 The Preface
C1 Consecration of the Holy Host
C2 Elevation of the Holy Host

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