Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA 2009 » 01 SEP 09 - YOUTH FEST

The first day of the month of September, known as the month of the Bambina, was dedicated to Youth. Special invitation for Mass in the evening was sent out to all Xaghra Youths. Mass was celebrated by Fr Joe Said, Parish Priest of St Pius X Parish in Italy. After Mass, the youths gathered in 8th September Avenue to enjoy the presence of DJ's, bands and singers. DJ Joseph Spiteri was the first to warm up the youths present. And it did not take long for them to warm up as they sang, danced and applauded to the top music DJ  Spiteri provided them with. Next was DJ Terra. He too received long and explosive applause. The climax of the evening was evident as DJ Terra announced that Ira Losco was there and then arriving on stage. All those present broke into delirium. They gave Ira a great warm welcome at one time nearly taking over the stage. Ira Losco did not hold back, hit after hit of hers shot down on the young people who voiciferously accompanied her. Then it was time for The Zoo to take over the stage. They entertained those present with their number. It did not take them long to pick animals from the floor. First to arrive was the pork, then the cat, the cow, and the camel. They too picked out a lad thought to be the most vulgar. The choice however fell on the wrong one as he was the one of the most exemplary lads present and in no way did he fit in the picture.  He, however, took it lightly and was at ease. The animals treated everybody with their noises sometimes exerting themselves to successfully give out the cry resembling that of the animal they represented. No less a great welcome given to the next number, Johnny Cash and his Band. Cash and Band entertained those present with song after song without interruption, Johnny covering each and every centimetre of the stage throughout their presentation. It was late at night when DJ Armani took over and delighted all youths present with his choice of songs. The evening was sponsored by Manuel Sultana who also at one time took part on stage accompanying Ira Losco. Definitely youths will be looking forward impatiently to this Fest next year.

G7 Raymond Bonello with his guitar
G8 Cash and Band
G9 Getting higher to be seen by all
H1 Cash and Band
H2 Festa decorations
H3 Cash and Band
H4 Cash and Band
H5 Cash and Band
H6 Cash and Band
H7 Cash and Band
H8 Cash and Band
H9 Cash and Band
I1 Cash and Band
I2 DJ Armani
I3 DJ Armani
I4 DJ Armani
I5 DJ Armani
I6 DJ Armani
I7 DJ Armani
I8 DJ Armani

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