Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA 2009 » 05 SEP 09 - EMIGRANTS DAY - CHURCH SERVICE

On Saturday, 5 September in the evening, the many Xaghra emigrants who came from the four corners of the globe converged on the Basilica to attend the Service dedicated to them. It was, as usual on the 5th day of September, the Second Day of Triduum and besides taking an active part during mass, they could enjoy listening to the music in the Church. Under the baton of Mr Ronald Camilleri, Choir Maria Bambina, tenor Andrew Sapiano and baritone Pio Dalli were accompanied by an orchestra singing the Ave Maris Stella. The climax of course was when the Antifona was intoned and sung. The expression on their faces bore witness to their feelings of joy. The main celebrant was the young newly ordained priest Fr Anthony Bajada. Emigrants from those present were selected to read the Lessons and Prayers of the Faithful and present Mass offerings. In his sermon, Can Joseph Sultana welcomed the emigrants and personally thanked them for the welcome he received last year in Australia and earlier on during his stay in the United States. After the service, the emigrants were invited to the Parish House where they were addressed by Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo and entertained to refreshments. Later they joined the popular band march held in their honour moving along Triq Spiera, Bullara and Knisja ending up in Pjazza Il-Vitorja. The Leone Band of Victoria and San Girgor Band of Kercem played marches to the merriment of all those present.

A6a Fr Anthony Bajada main celebrant
A7 Start of Mass
B2 Choir Voci Anf
B3 Director Ms Grace Vella
B4 Organist Mr Ronald Camilleri
B5 Animators Mr Michael Spiteri and Ms Carmen Bajada
B6 First reading
B7 Psalm singing
B8 Animator Mr Michael Spiteri
B8 Second Reading
B9 The Gospel Rev Deacon Ant G Caruana

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