Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA 2009 » 06 JUN 09 - FIRST SATURDAY OF THE BAMBINA

The first of twelve Saturdays dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin Mary preceding the titular feast of Xaghra was held on 6th June 2009. Mass at 7.30 pm was celebrated by H.L. Mgr Paul Darmanin Ofm. Cap., Bishop of Garissa in Kenya, with Xaghra Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Capuchin Provincial Fr Joe Alessandro Ofm. Cap. and members of the Collegiate Chapter and Clergy of the Parish co celebrating. Besides celebrating the First Saturday, Mgr Darmanin was also celebrating the Silver Jubilee of his Consecration as Bishop of Garissa in Kenya. He was consecrated Bishop in Valletta on 3rd June 1984. The Parish of Xaghra has for long been twinned to the Diocese of Garissa.Mr Louis Bajada animated Mass while a group of guitarists led by Ms Silvana Agius animated the singing. The collection during Mass was given to the Bishop.  Before Mass came to an end, both Fr Provincial Joe Alessandro and the Bishop thanked the parish for the help the Diocese of Garissa receives from Xaghra. Besides thanking Archpriest Refalo for inviting him to the Parish, Mgr Darmanin had a word of praise for Ms Martina Micallef who was instrumental in twinning the Parish with his Diocese and Archpriest Emeritus Mgr Eucharist Sultana for his unfailing assistance during the time he was Archpriest of Xaghra. Mgr Sultana was absent as he was overseas.

E5 Message of thanks by Provincial Fr Joe D'Alessandro
E6 Message by Mgr Archpriest
E7 Message of thanks by Bishop
E8 Benediction
E9 End of Mass
F1 Young boy receives magazine of Diocese of Garissa

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