Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA 2009 » 06 SEP 09 - LAST DAY OF NOVENA

Sunday 6th September, last day of the Novena and last day of Triduum was dedicated to all those born in Xaghra but residing elsewhere in Malta and Gozo. Mass was celebrated by Fr Joseph Curmi, one of the three newly ordained Xaghra priests with his brother Fr Michael among the concelebrants. Only ex Xaghrin from those attending were involved in Mass, animation - Mrs Agnes Mizzi, the  Readings, Prayers of the Faithful and Offertory. Choir Voci Angeliche under the direction of Mrs Grace Vella with Mr Ronald Camilleri accompanying on the organ animated the singing as they did on the previous two days of Triduum. Canon Joseph Sultana delivered the last of the nine Novena sermons. After Mass, Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Archpriest of Xaghra led the congregation in the recitation of the Hymn - Kurunella. Canon John Sultana assisted by Hon Can Michael Camilleri O.P. and Fr Charles Sultana then officiated the Ave Maris Stella service with music provided by an orchestra and Maria Bambina Choir under the direction of Mr. Ronald Camilleri. The evening service came to an end with benediction with the Blessed Sacrament.

G7 Celebrants
H1 Tenor
H2 Baritone
H3 Incensing during Salve Regina
H8 Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
I2 While Tantum Ergo being sung
I3 Benediction
I4 Benediction
I5 Return to Sacristy
I6 Paying homage to statue of Maria Bambina

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