Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA 2009 » 06 SEP 09 - THIRD DAY TRIDUUM NEW CANONS INSTALLED

Fl-ahhar Jum tat-Tridu tal-Festa tal-Bambina, il-Hadd 6 ta Settembru, thabbret il-hatra ta hames kanonici godda ghall-Knisja Kolleggjata tax-Xaghra, tlieta minnhom jinghataw hatra effettiva waqt li t-tnejn l-ohra hatra Onorarja. Dawk effettivi huma l-Kanonku Joseph Sultana Azzopardi, il-Kanonku Michael Galea u l-Kanonku Guzepp Cini. Waqt l-Ghasar Solenni presedut mill-Arcipriet Emeritus Mons Eucaristico Sultana, L-ewwel tnejn hadu l-pussess minn idejn il-Vigarju Generali, Mons Giovanni Bosco Gauci, il-Kanonku Guzepp Cini se jiehu l-pussess iktar il quddiem. Qabel inghataw il-pussess, il-Kancellier tal-Kurja, Mons. Salv Debrincat qara d-digriet tal-hatra tal-Kanonci moghti mill-E.T. Mons Isqof Mario Grech. Iz-zewg hatriet onorarji kienu Fr Eddie Zammit mix-Xewkija, Assistent Persunali ta Mons Isqof u Fr Joe Said, kappillan tal-Parrocca ta San Piju X gewwa Supino, l-Italja. Ritratti kortesija ta Dr Aaron Attard Hili, L.L.D.   The Collegiate Chapter of Xaghra Parish Church recently welcomed the addition of five new canons. Three of them are effective while the other two carry honorary posts. The three effective ones are Can. Joseph Sultana Azzopardi, Can. Michael Galea and Can. Joseph Cini. During solemn Vespers on 6th September, led by Archpriest Emeritus Mgr Eucharist Sultana, the first named were confirmed in their appointment by Vicar General  Mgr Giovanni Bosco. Can Joseph Cini will receive his at a later date. Before being confirmed, the Curia Chancellor, Mgr Salv Debrincat read the edict of nomination issued by H.L. Bishop Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo. The two honorary posts were bestowed on Fr Eddie Zammit of Xewkija, the Bishop’s Personal Assistant, and Fr Joe Said of Xaghra, Parish Priest of St Pius X in Supino, Italy. Photos courtesy Dr Aaron Attard Hili, L.L.D.

C3 Archpriest embraces the new Canons
C4 Can Galea embraces Archpriest Emeritus Mgr Euch Sultana
C5 Can Julian Refalo Rapa greets Can Galea
C6 Hon Can Eddie Zammit embraces Hon Can Mario Borg
C7 Vespers
C8 Vespers
C9 Vespers
D1 Celebrants move towards the statue
D2 Intoning the Salve Regina
D4 Singing during Vespers
D5 Singing during Vespers
D6 Singing during Vespers
D7 Fr Joseph Bajada during Vespers
D8 Fr Charles Sultana reads the Psalm
E2 Congregation in nave
E4 End of Vespers

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