Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA 2009 » 07 SEP 09 - COMMEMORATING THE TWO SIEGES

L3 Thanking the Bambina in homage
L4 The knights and maltese soldiers return to the monument
L6 Grand Master La Vallette takes his place
L7 Xaghra Scouts line up
L8 Acting President lays the wreath at the foot of the monument
L9 Saluting the victims of the sieges
M1 Hon Speaker of the House of Representatives
M3 Xaghra Mayor and his dputy
M4 Local Councillors
M5 Mgr Archpriest on behalf of Chapter and Clergy
M6 Mgr Archpriest laying the wreath
M7 The Police Corps
M8 In Salute
M9 Representatives of The Knights of St John
N1 Festivities Committee
N2 Ghaqda tal-Armar
N3 Ghaqda tan-Nar VMB 1973

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