Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA 2009 » 08 SEP 09 - LAST BAND MARCH AND END OF FESTA
After many days of preparations and celebrations especially the fortnight preceding Festa Day, with various groups, committee and subcommittee members engaged in the smooth running of the programme, comes the final act closing the festa - Il-marc tal-Ahhar - the final band march. This brings together all the mentioned groups to enable them enjoy in comfort and revelry and taste the success of their labours. These boys would have missed a lot of the festa due to their commitments especially those connected with fireworks stationing themselves for long hours in the fields, either during daylight or right during the night, far away from the crowds. This march by the local Victory Band sheds not just the bandsmen uniforms but also the music tempo. At times the beat goes faster and faster and abruptly coming to a slow pace with the music looking more funereal (end of festa) than hilarious. Bandsmen switch instruments some of them decorated and the drum getting pride of place high above all the rest with the drummer exerting himself to manage to beat at it. But not all will be joining in. With September weather not to be trusted as it may rain anytime, those involved with the street decorations immediately start pulling down everything perishable with water. They call others to help as it is a mammoth job to be completed in the shortest time. By 4.00 a.m. they would have cleared all that has to be taken down and packed away and in the morning after the feast it will look like there were no celebrations!Not yet rated