Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA 2009 » 08 SEP 09 - PROCESSION

A1 During singing of Vespers
A2 During singing of Vespers
A3 During singing of Vespers
A4 During singing of Vespers
A5 End of Vespers - Archpriest pays homage to Maria Bambina
A6 Victory Band
A7 Victory Band
A8 Victory Band
A9 Victory Band
B1 Victory Band
B2 Leone Band
B3 Leone Band
B4 Leone Band
B5 Leone Band
B6 An emigrant takes video
B7 Balloons with the colours of the Bambina fill Victory Square
B8 Leone Band in Victory Square
B9 More balloons on the other side
C1 Statue approaches the door of the Basilica
C2 Statue leaves the Basilica

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