Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA 2009 » 28 AUG 09 - NOVENA FIRST DAY

On Friday 28th August 2009, the Novena of the Festa of the Bambina  for 2009 started. The first to launch it were the children who filled the Basilica in the morning at 9.00 to hear Mass by Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo. At 7.30 p.m. once again the Basilica was packed with the faithful for the Evening Novena. The main celebrant was the Vicar General Mgr Giovanni Bosco Gauci. Co celebrating were Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Can John Bartolo, Can Joseph Sultana and Can Julian Refalo Rapa. Seminarian Simon Cachia was also on hand playing a key part. Canon Joseph Sultana delivered the first of the Novena homilies which this year have been assigned to him. Mrs Doris Grech and Mr Michael Portelli animated mass. The singing was animated by a Choir made up of altar boys and other voices accompanied by flute, violin and trumpet under the direction of Rev Fr Michael Curmi.After Mass, Mgr Carmelo Hili recited the Hymn - Kurunella - of the Bambina. Then arrived the most exciting moment when Mgr Archpriest walked down to the niche and opened its door to the applause of all those present. The statue of the Bambina then was moved out and carried by men to the canopy in the nave. Along the way hymns were sung and prayers recited to be broken every now and then, as expected, with applause. The ceremony finally ended with Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament by Can Joseph Sultana. Among the congregation could be seen many emigrants coming mainly from Sydney and Melbourne in Australia, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada and the United States besides many Maltese and tourists on a visit to Gozo. For several of them it was the first festa they were experiencing after many many years.Outside, the Victory Band was meantime starting a band march from the Club premises to Victory Square. It was at a late hour that the opening festivities came successfully to an end.

C3 The Offerings
C4 Singing during Offertory
C5 The Offertory
C6 Choir directed by Fr Michael Curmi
C7 Flute, violin and trumpet
C8 Sem Mario Curmi in background on the organ
C9 The Sanctus
D1 Singing the Sanctus
D2 Consecration of the host
D3 Elevation of the Body of Christ
D4 Consecration of the wine
D5 Elevation of the Blood of Christ
D6 Prayers after Consecration
D8 The Lord's prayer
D9 Vicar General and Archpriest embrace in peace
E1 Invitation for Holy Communion
E2 Holy Communion
E3 Holy Communion
E4 Holy Communion

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