Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA 2009 » 30 AUG 09 - THIRD DAY OF NOVENA - SPECIAL COUPLES

On the Third day of the Novena, Sunday 30 August, couples who were celebrating 25 or 50 years of marriage this year were invited. Mass was celebrated by Hon Can Michael Camilleri OP who was also celebrating his 15th Anniversary of being ordained priest. The Schola Cantorum Jubilate Choir under the direction of Ms Marouska Attard with Stephen Attard on the organ animated the singing. Can Joseph Sultana delivered the Novena sermon. After Mass Mgr Archpriest Carmelo Refalo thanked and paid tribute to Fr Michael for the sterling work he carried out in Xaghra Parish for each of the past fifteen years, Fr Michael calling without fail once a week on Thursdays to hear Confessions and on many occasions taking part in Church services in the Basilica. In his reply, Fr Michael thanked the Parish for accepting him as one of them and especially in being honoured with Homorary Canonship of the Collegiate. On behalf of his parents and siblings who were present with their families he then presented a beautifully embroidered chasuble to Mgr Refalo. Group photos were taken. To Fr Michael and all the special couples present Ad Multos Annos.

E5 Holy Communion
E6 Holy Communion
E7 Holy Communion
E8 Archpriest's message
E9 Badessa Maria Giustina Bonello
F1 Fr Michael thanking the Parish for its support
F2 On behalf of his family Fr Michael presents an embroidered chasuble to the Parish Church
F3 Benediction
F4 Mass is ended
F5 Couples celebrating 25 and 50 years of marriage
F6 Celebrants of 50 years of marriage
F7 Celebrating 25 years of marriage
F8 Fr Michael with parents and relatives
F9 In front of Maria Bambina

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