Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA NAZZARENU 2009 » 14 OCT 09 - DAY DEDICATED TO THE FAMILY

C3 Rev Rector addressing couples celebrating anniversary weddings
C7 Married couples reciting marriage vows
C8 Married couples reciting marriage vows
C9 Married couples reciting marriage vows
D1 Prayers of the Faithful Mrs Consigla Grima
D2 Mrs Consiglia Grima - Prayers of the Faithful
D3 Mr Joseph Groma - Prayers of the faithful
D4 Mr Joseph Camilleri - Prayers of the Faithful
D5 Archbishop prays over the Families
D6 Presentation of babies
D7 Presentation of babies
D8 Presentation of babies
D9 Presentation of babies
E1 Presentation of babies
E3 The Offerings
E4 The Offerings

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