Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA NAZZARENU 2009 » 14 OCT 09 - DAY DEDICATED TO THE FAMILY

G7 Holy Communion
G8 Holy Communion
G9 Holy Communion
H1 Holy Communion
H2 Holy Communion
H3 Holy Communion
H4 Holy Communion
H5 Holy Communion
H8 Singing Ave Maria
H9 Singing Ave Maria
I1 Final Prayers
I2 Rev Rector thanking the Archbishop
I3 Presenting a framed photo of the titular to the Archbishop
I4 Presenting memento to a couple
I5 Presenting memento to a couple
I6  Presenting memento to a couple
I7  Presenting memento to a couple
I8  Presenting memento to a couple

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