Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA NAZZARENU 2009 » 15 OCT 09 - DAY DEDICATED TO THE PRIESTHOOD

C3 Offerings
C4 Offerings
C5 Incensing the altar
C6 Sanctus
C7 Choir Nativitas - director Mrs Sylvana Agius
C8 Consecration
C9 Elevation Holy Host
D1 Elevation of the Holy Blood
D2 Section of the Congreagation
D3 The Lord's prayer
D4 Choir Nativitas - organist Mr Ivan Attard
D5 Invitation for Holy Communion
D6 Holy Communion
D7 Holy Communion
D8 Holy Communion
D9 Holy Communion
E2 Rector Can Ant Refalo Rapa presents memento to Vicar General

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