Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA NAZZARENU 2009 » 17 OCT 09 - DAY DEDICATED TO BENEFACTORS

A1 Singing Vespers
A2 Seminarian Simon Cachia reads during Vespers
A3 Fr Daniel Xerri leads the Vespers
A5 Preparing for Benediction with the Holy Eucharist
A6 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
A8 Benediction
A9 Congregation
B1 Returning to Sacristy
B2 Rev Rector Can Ant Refalo Rapa introduces the service
B3 Celebrants move in procession to the altar
B4 H.L. Bishop Nicholas J Cauchi
B5 Incensing the altar
B7 Start of Mass
B8 The six concelebrants with the Bishop
C1 Choir Schola Cantorum Jubilate
C2 Congregation

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