Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA NAZZARENU 2009 » 17 OCT 09 - DAY DEDICATED TO BENEFACTORS

C4 Animator Ms Valentina cauchi
C5 First Lesson Ms Vincenza Bezzina
C6 Second Lesson Mr Carmel Bugeja
C8 The Gospel Fr Saviour Sultana
C9 H.L. Bishop Cauchi delivering the homily
D1 Prayers of the Faithful Mr Joseph Grima
D2 Offerings
D3 Offerings
D4 Offerings
D5 Offerings
D6 Offertory
D7 Offertory
D8 Incensing the Bishop
D9 The Sanctus
E1 The new altar boy Joachim Buttigieg
E2 Consecration
E3 Elevation of the Holy Host
E4 Elevation of the Chalice

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