Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA NAZZARENU 2009 » 18 OCT 09 - FESTA NAZZARENU - FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING - MASS

C3 Second Lesson Mr Carmel Agius
C4 Second Lesson Mr Carmel Agius
C5 Deacon incensing the Bible
C6 The Gospel
C7 Reading from the Gospel
C8 Bishop starts the homily
C9 Bishop delivering the homily
D1 Delivering the homily
D2 Bishop delivering the homily
D3 Bishop delivering the homily
D4 Bishop delivering the homily
D5 Moment of meditation after the homily
D6 Recitation of the Credo
D7 Recitation of the Credo
D8 Prayer of the Faithful
D9 Prayer of the Faithful
E1 Prayer of the Faithful
E2 Prayer of the Faithful
E3 Prayer of the Faithful
E4 Presenting Mass Offerings to Bishop

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